It looks like I did O this month (/whew), and my money's on CD17. We'll see what FF has to say about that. If I did I on CD17, our timing may have been good. We had sex on CD15 with kinda-fertile CM. And then sex again on CD17. Again with kinda-fertile CM. I wonder if my allergy meds are screwing with my EWCM, because the other girls seem to have it in spades and I saw a measly 2 days of it. But maybe I'm just not checking diligently enough.
There's this part of me that panics, and thinks we're going to be *that* couple that tries for 2 years to get pregnant and eventually gets a puppy and puts sweaters on it. But then there's also a part of me that is totally sure that this cycle is THE cycle.
I just don't want to set myself up for disappointment. I need to stop doing things like finding out what my EDD would be (1/20/2011), based on when I'm pretty sure I O'd. There's no way I'll be able to stop myself from doing this though. Every month.
On a majorly happy note, I ran into a girl on the TTGP message boards who is married to an old college friend. After months and months of trying, they got their BFP yesterday. I am so, SO happy for them. They deserve it. It makes me wonder - if I do get pregnant within the first few cycles, will I feel like I don't "deserve it"? Some of those girls have been through hell and back for YEARS trying for their LO. I wonder if I'm strong enough for that.
I hope you're able to join me on January mommies!