Saturday, April 28, 2012

30 Days of Honesty (and one dare) - Day 28

Day 28 — If I could do one thing that is socially unacceptable and know I would not be judged, I would…

Sleep.  I would sleep for DAYS.  I wouldn't shower, I wouldn't get dressed, I wouldn't spend my precious time off work with my loving family - I'd SLEEP.  And when I was done sleeping, I'd get a pedicure, I'd read a book, I'd watch a movie, and then I'd go back to sleep.

As a busy working mom, all I want in life is time that is just mine.  I see those judging looks as I drop my son off at daycare on my obvious day off.  Shut it!  I deserve it!

Full List of Participants for the 30 Days of Blogging Honesty (and 1 dare)
Cherlyn Cochrane, Jenn MikoLJ, Melanie, Last Civilized Woman, Princesa Musang, Primadonna Zel, Caroline, Koi, Aurathena, Terriblethinker, Sleep and Salami, Marliz3e, Prysmatique, DLonelyStarAnonymousBurn, Nicole, Sylvia Garza, Mariana, Nenskei, MyNakedBokkie, Bluefiadiarries, VeehCirra, Bannatreasures, Sajeev, HappyhippieroseTheFerkel, Tom Baker, *Sofia, *Everything Love & Lust, *TemptingSweets99, Sites with an * contain NSFW material. If erotic or sexual material is offensive to you, please do not visit these three blogs.

1 comment:

  1. that is a good one :) yes being a working mother is an issue subject to a lot of judgements. Glad you thought of this one!
