Monday, May 10, 2010

Growth Opportunity

Buying something for your baby when you are only 3 1/2 weeks along is a no-no.  I just want to make sure I acknowledge this.

I felt absolutely gross today.  I was hot and sweaty all day for no reason.  Alternately nauseous and starving all day.  Pimply, itchy, bloated, crampy, and miserable.  My boobs hurt so much that I almost cried in pain when I saw a good friend that I hadn't seen in a while and he gave me a big hug. 

And then I saw this.  And it was on clearance.  And it was $1.49.  And I bought it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you. I feel disgusting. I had to come home from work early cause I could barely function.

    Oh, and I shouldn't show you the huge baby wardrobe that we already have (that we HAD way before our BFP)...I'm pathetic :)
