Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Aidan's Hospital Photos

Aidan's hospital pictures are in!  He was one day old when these were taken.  I swore to myself that I wouldn't get suckered into buying these, but Tom convinced me that it was totally worthwhile for our one and only baby.  I am so thankful that he did.  They're wonderful and I can't wait to be able to compare them to the 2-week-old pictures that Kingston took.

Looking at the pictures reminds me of all of our little "first few days" dramas that would otherwise be eventually forgotten.  When I see the picture of his little feet, I see the bandages from the heel sticks they did every three hours to check his sugars (always perfect).  When I see his 24-hour-old face, I see his poor little chin, chafed from learning to breastfeed.  Lansinoh solved this problem for us a couple of days later.  I didn't bring much to the hospital, but thanks to these pictures, I'll always remember that I brought a beloved Aden & Anais swaddle blanket and a warm hat that I made.  I'm eternally thankful that we had our own things for his newborn pictures.  Hospital-issue isn't so cute...

See Them All!

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