Wednesday, April 25, 2012

30 Days of Honesty (and one dare) - Day 25

Day 25 — My biggest pet peeve that has nothing to do with blogging, being online, computers or anything else related to the Internet is…

Hmmm... Small talkLyingDrunken idiocy?  Nah, I've said enough about those...

I have soooo many pet peeves.  It's almost impossible to choose the biggest.  Noisy eaters, rude people, overly friendly people, people who touch babies, bad drivers, loud talkers, people with no concept of personal space, and this list could go on all day.  I guess it boils down to this:

My biggest pet peeve is having to interact with people who interfere with my grand plans to lead an irritant-free life.  There you have it.  I'm your classic misanthrope.

Full List of Participants for the 30 Days of Blogging Honesty (and 1 dare)
Cherlyn Cochrane, Jenn MikoLJ, Melanie, Last Civilized Woman, Princesa Musang, Primadonna Zel, Caroline, Koi, Aurathena, Terriblethinker, Sleep and Salami, Marliz3e, Prysmatique, DLonelyStarAnonymousBurn, Nicole, Sylvia Garza, Mariana, Nenskei, MyNakedBokkie, Bluefiadiarries, VeehCirra, Bannatreasures, Sajeev, HappyhippieroseTheFerkel, Tom Baker, *Sofia, *Everything Love & Lust, *TemptingSweets99, Sites with an * contain NSFW material. If erotic or sexual material is offensive to you, please do not visit these three blogs.


  1. It's a shame that picture doesn't have one person in a boring shirt and one person in a colorful shirt because then I'd know exactly who was who.

    No, I really do hate people.

    1. but maybe the two of us can be friends? maybe??
